A Guinness Salute

G012-Guinness-LobsterVisions of Green Leprechauns Dancing in my head.

It’s a holiday,

A great excuse to put away your


Celebrate the good,

Save everything else for another


Immerse yourself

Enchanting (ly)

Blissful (ly)

Four leaf clovers,

Guinness flowing,

Jameson poured.

Debauchery all in good nature.

Jig, Laugh, Hug.

Fall over,

Stumble, Occasional (ly).

Cheers, Salute, Be Merry.

The Battle

So It Begins…

She was locked in an intense battle, the odds were neatly stacked against her. It was clear to all that saw her that she was fighting and unwinnable war. It was clear to anyone, everyone but her. To her it was only a matter of time before she would come out victorious. She had the answer tucked away in her pocket. She needed to wait for the opportune moment. For only a moment would be required to snatch victory.

A howl of pain and emotion escaped her throat. There wasn’t much time left now. The line between success and failure was beginning to fade into the morning mist. It was quickly becoming a battle just for survival, it was time. Time to pull out her last resort. Crawling across the break room she reached for it. Her finger tips touched than gripped the powerful mug. The coffee elixir would get her through her current work day.

But alas the battle would begin anew tomorrow.


Awkward Friday Fun


Friday is almost halfway over and I am just now getting around to my Friday Fun post, shame on me. I was up late at an NBA game, I have season tickets for the Nuggets, so I will use that as an excuse. The irony however was that the inspiration for this post came from the people watching I did in the stands. People really are fascinating creatures and the things they will discuss loudly in a crowded place is fabulous. I had four middle-aged women behind me who I paid no attention to until I heard this gem, “I don’t want to be super offensive or anything but you ex-husband totally upgraded with his next wife” it was followed but an awkward silence, a sip, and this reply, “I know right?!?!?” I was hooked instantly, think of all the wonderful stories that could be created with that one interaction. Inspiration is everywhere all you have to do is reach out and grab the dialogue we are surrounded with everyday. Let your imagination to the rest.

Happy Friday Everyone! 

The Never-Ending Journey



I know it’s there, I may not be able to see it on the horizon but I can feel it in my soul. The journey will be long and hard and unfortunately wet. I will not turn around. I have gone too far and the last thing I want to do is prove them right. They never believed in me. Fools. I can see them mocking me in my mind’s eye, curse those damn words and the writer’s block they have caused me. My story will appear on the other side of the mist.

Unless of course Twitter distracts me again.

Love Latte Style


They locked eyes from across the coffee-house. Instantly Rebecca knew she had met her soul mate. Their entire future passed before her eyes. The man, Eric, clearly felt the same synergy; pupils dilated, a smirk grew upon his face. It was an intensely beautiful moment.

The two of them caught in that moment threw caution to the wind. They grabbed their matching medium extra hot no foam vanilla lattes and set out to conquer the world. The birds sang, flowers bloomed and the sun was indeed vivacious.

Two weeks later they were married and on their honeymoon to Iceland; long story, better left for another time. Nine quick months later baby Eric arrived, thirteen months after that baby Rebecca arrived; name creativity was not their strong suit.  The four of them made their way through the world together; joyfully living out the American Dream. Perfect.

Then one day they got divorced.

“Miss, your vanilla latte is ready”.

Nobody Is Perfect

Alex knew when she was wrong, while it very rarely happened, even she could make a mistake. Unfortunately for Alex whenever the rare transgression occurred it was never a small matter. Alex had been more than a jerk to poor John who quite honestly had the right to mock the mating habits of penguins. Who was that guy? Apparently even creepers can be extremely good looking, who knew?

John had been creative in his attempts to apologize, Alex had to step up her game. A home-cooked meal of his favorite food, enchiladas, would work but it would be a lame attempt indeed. She needed to be sweet, apologetic and perhaps a little bit vulnerable. He would have no choice but to accept her apology then; he never could kick her while she was down, a trend she hoped to continue.

The idea came to her after one too many google searches, she would make him a craft. She would paint him a new margarita glass of apology. The man loved his margaritas. Alex was a terrible artist but it was thoughtful, the man didn’t have a chance. Friendship repaired.



Huzzah The End is Coming



It seems to be everywhere, whether they are serious or not people are wondering, just wondering if today is the final day? I personally think we have plenty of time left, perhaps even too much, but I respect both sides of the argument. I did come across some of my writings from earlier this year and thought that they were applicable whether or not it rains fire tomorrow. Enjoy!

“Going forward does not always mean progress but going backwards is always regressive”- A

“Today like every other day is absolutely unique; how will you make it extraordinary?”- A

“The past and the future constantly mingle in a dance and no one person is privy to lessons”- A