Sunrise on Fremont

AliceInWonderlandThe other day I went on a stroll at 6am.

The things I saw cannot be shared for fear of breaking the code.

It was brilliance; ladies in lace, men missing their suit jackets.

People young and old and those who were confused as to their age intermingled.

No shame, no guilt, merely a laugh shared among only those who truly knew.

Dreams accomplished for some, Dreams shattered for many.

A story for each and a story for me.

Thanks Vegas 😉

Frisky Friday


I will drink it in a chair.

I will not drink it next to a bear.

I cannot drink it as a pair.

When I drink it I will most certainly not share.

You can join me if you dare.

It will capture you in it’s snare.

Some say it’s only for those with a certain flare.

In my grasp I have no care.

~What am I?

Happy Friday!

Where the Magic Happens

Image 2One of the new categories I am introducing is called “Writing Places”. It is going to be a a photographic showcase of all the places I do my writing and all of the places I dream about doing my writing.

It occurred to me that I should probably show where I currently do most of my writing, I like to call it my hot mess desk. As you can see there are notebooks, laptops and general mayhem. I make notes everywhere and never seem to focus on any single project for more than a few moments at a time. I wonder if I could actually write in an organized space?

Where do you all do most of your writing? At home, at some exotic location? Is it neat and tidy or if possible is it even more chaotic than my current space?

As long as your writing I am sure the space is just write for your creative flow.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone!


An attempt at Book Poetry

Image 2

I have seen this on several of the blogs I follow so I thought I’d take a crack at it.

My unique sense of humor took over and really I wasn’t surprised.

I do like that the words from each title can create any number of different poetical lines if a person wanted to be creative.


Brain Exploded,


Last Boyfriend.

It’s so bad and slightly ridiculous that I love it.

So This Is How It Really Went Down



Camp NaNoWriMo: The Truth Exposed

Final Word Count- 38,941

Target Goal- 50,000

So close yet so very far……

I will guarantee this much, I am going to finish this story. Hell I am even going to edit it.

I am real proud of it and the progress I made despite missing the word count (curse my competitive streak).

It’s full of a little thing that I like to call potential.  

Word Count


I fell behind but something exciting happened… I caught up.

Half way through the month and I am sitting at 25,015 words

Oh yeah!!!

I am feeling good, I feel like I know where the story is heading even though I know better than to assume that it will go the way I plan.

Hope everyone else is having a good month with their goals as well.

Happy Writing!

Kickin’ It Old School



Why is that no matter how many new tech toys I buy myself I always go back to where it started? I have more notebooks filled with my writing in no particular order than I even know what to do with.

I can’t get away from it, there is no escape, no matter what I do I have to write it down.

Even my NaNoWrimo stories are at least partially in a notebook… and then of course I have to type it up when I get the chance. Yes I know I am doubling the work but writing in those notebooks in like an addiction I can’t cure.

How do you all do your writing? Notebook, Macbook, Napkin?

I know I can’t be the only one who can’t make the transition, right?